Partagas Cigar and De Wetshoff Finesse Chardonnay Pairing
Posted by Francois Pistorius on 16th Sep 2021
Partagas Cigar and De Wetshof Finesse Chardonnay Pairing
Do you remember your first cigar?
I do. It was many years ago.
I smoked a Cuban cigar and loved it. All those years back, we bought Cubans because that was what a cigar was. South Africa offered limited options.
I don't call myself an Aficionado. But many years later, I have a better understanding. There are differences between Cubans and non-Cuban cigars.
Why do we compare all cigars to Cuban cigars?
A unique fact about Cuban cigars
Cuban cigars consist of Cuban tobacco only. It gives Cuban cigars their distinctive taste and aroma. In contrast, all other cigars made in the world blend tobacco. It includes a wide variety of tobaccos blended in various ways.
If you love Cuban cigars, it's because you love the distinctive flavour. The unique Cuban soil transfers to the tobacco. Soils of the other cigar producing countries each have their characteristics. Today we have a lot of choices.
What Makes Cuban Cigars Special?
The significant character of Cuban cigars is strength and complexity. A Cuban cigar flavour and taste are unique because of the soil transferred to the tobacco in Cuba.
The soil influences tobacco. A good winemaker makes the wine starting in the vineyard. Good Cigars, like wine, starts with the soil. Vuelta Abajo is one of the five major tobacco regions in Cuba. The Vuelta Abajo's mineral-rich soil produces some of the world's best tobacco.
Perfect Cuban Climate for Tobacco
In Cuba, the conditions for growing tobacco are ideal. The Cuban soil and the unique climate contribute to the exceptional taste.
Cuban cigars contain perfect tobacco, processed in the best possible way. That is the characterization of Cuban cigars.
The closest flavour profile to a Cuban cigar, smoking a non-Cuban, is the AJ Fernandez Last Call Habano to me. You might have a different experience. The flavours of each cigar are unique, making it a personal experience. AJ Fernandez is a master of the soil with exceptional knowledge.
Partagas Cigars
Don Jaime Partagás created the Partagás brand in Cuba in 1845. The famous Cuban brand and factory became part of the nationalization policy in Cuba. One of the best selling Cuban cigars is the Partagas Robusto-sized Serie D No. 4.
Partagas Coronas Especiales
Partagas Coronas Especiales is a Cuban cigar. The Corona often goes unnoticed between the more premium selections. I received the cigar from Europe. You can buy similar sizes to the Corona, especiales. The Partagas De Luxe and the Mille Fleurs are similar profile cigars available to buy at
The Coronas Especiales has a Colorado shade wrapper leaf which is rough and veiny, a trademark of all Cuban cigars. The Partagas Petit Coronas Especiales cigar is a corona size, five inches long, with a 44 ring gauge.
These Partagas cigars are excellent for dipping your toes into the world of Partagas. It is a cigar with full flavour. The size of the cigar is deceptive.
The Petit Coronas Especiales Evolution
The Petit Coronas Especiales cigars were once machine-made but have become hand-rolled in recent years. It is an excellent quality cigar filled with classic long filler tobacco.
You can also age the entry-level Partagas cigars for four to five years. The Partagas brand offer full strength ideal for ageing in your humidor.
Length 5 inches
Ring Gauge 44
Shape Petit Corona
Taste Smooth Toasty
Strength Medium to Full strength
Price Have a look at the Partagas range on the website.
Filler Cuba
Binder Cuba
Wrapper Cuba
Country Cuba
Partagas Cigar dry aroma
I smell rich flavours. The dry smell delivers dry field and smokey notes.
Partagas Dry draw
The dry draw on the cigar is smooth with earthy and vegetal notes. The smell reminds me of walking into a dry summer field after a light summer rain.
Partagas Smoke
The cigar taste is rich, smooth with creamy caramel biscuits.
First Puff Partagas
The first puff is smooth. You can taste sweet light white toast with creamy caramel and creamy dry, nutty flavours. There is a sweet smokey richness that develops on the palate. You could pick up mild smokey steak flavours.
The Petit Coronas Especiales has classic Cuban flavours. The start gives spice and pepper tastes, while it mellows out with flavours of toasty creaminess.
The strength is a medium-full, with a classic old-world Partagas profile. The construction is brilliant with an even burn.
South African Wine De Wetshof Finesse Chardonnay.
The Finesse Chardonnay grapes grow in Rocky, gravelly mountain soils rich in limestone. The soil is perfect for growing Chardonnay grapes.
The clay soil assists in water retention that helps the vines develop grapes with intense citrus flavours. The grape has characteristic nuttiness on the finish. The soil in the Robertson Valley contains high levels of limestone. Vineyards growing in rich limestone soils produce grapes with balance and complexity. The grapes have good ageing potential.
De Wetshof introduced the Finesse Chardonnay to the market in 1989. The Chardonnay offers consumers bright freshness with less oak ageing.
De Wetshof aimed the Finesse to consumers preferring a lighter-wooded style of Chardonnay. Even though the Chardonnay has less oak ageing, the wine is complex with a firm structure. Since its maiden release in 1989, Finesse has become one of the most famous wines in the De Wetshof range. The De Wetshof Finesse Chardonnay is an award-winning Chardonnay wine.
The wine ferments in 2nd and 3rd fill barrels selected to express the fruit and subdue the oak. After fermentation, the wine generally ages in the barrels between eight to 12 months.
The Finesse chardonnay is an integral part of the De Wetshof family. Consistent, reliable and a pleasure to drink.
De Wetshof Finesse Chardonnay Wine
The chilled wine delivered a fruity, buttery orange taste. It is a wine with balanced acidity offering rich but balanced flavours with a full buttery aftertaste.
Wine Nose
The Finesse Chardonnay is fruity, buttery, with a light oaky nose.
Wine Taste
The wine taste is fruity, citrus and buttery. The taste of oranges and butter complements the oak finish.
Partagas Especiales Cigar and De Wetshof Finesse Chardonnay Pairing
Words to describe the pairing:
Smokey butter
Juicy steak flavours
It is a Brilliant fruity, super smooth smokey pairing.
Cigar and Wine Pairing Evolution
After a few more puffs and tastes, the pairing delivers a creamy pastry taste with smokey spice. The oaky, buttery chardonnay wine paired with the cigar is creamy and rich. It is a flavoursome tasting experience with toasted caramel lingering on your palate.
The cigar intensity is good. Strength is above medium, leaning to a full-bodied cigar.
Chardonnay Wine and Partagas cigar flavours
The cigar, to me, offers a milky caramel smoothness. It is a cigar with full-bodied flavours, but the smoke is light, nutty and smooth on your palate.
The cigar offers sweet vanilla and caramel flavours. While you smoke, the wine offers rich complexity blended with the full, rich aftertaste.
Cigar and Wine pairing Brilliance
The chilled Chardonnay drinks incredible. The pairing is a hot knife slicing through butter, smooth as can be.
Wine and Cigar Pairing Conclusion
Smokey, oaky, and rich.
The Partagas cigar is smooth and creamy, which keeps you tasting the Cuban cigar's aromas right to the end. It is a balanced pairing with buttery fruit flavours and creamy caramel sweetness. If there is a wine that will pair with any cigar, it is Chardonnay.
You can't go wrong with pairing Chardonnay with a Partagas cigar.
Keep in mind the amount of oak ageing in the wine. A heavy oaked chardonnay could be too bold for certain cigars.
A moment of happiness.
A look at what you can expect from smoking a Partagas Serie D No. 4
A Robusto Cigar.
Notes of orange and marmalade. You taste hints of vanilla and honey with a hazelnut finish.
Size: Robusto
Filler: Cuba
Binder: Cuba
Wrapper: Cuba
Country: Cuba
Price: Check Website
Partagas Serie D No.4
The Partagas Serie D No. 4 is a Habanos classic, full-bodied Cuban cigar. The Partagas Serie D No. 4 flavours are delicate, mild peppery and earthy.
The cigar originates from the 1930s. Partages toned down the blend from the original to allow more flavour. The flavour of the blend makes it an attractive choice if you enjoy a full-bodied and complex Habanos. The cigar profile is smooth and creamy.
You will enjoy smoking one of these quality cigars with a coffee, wine or your favourite drink.
So how do you choose between all the incredible cigar options available?
You try a few cigars and look for a flavour profile you enjoy.
The Partagas flavours are exceptional. If you enjoy Cubans, I would recommend the Partagas Series D.