
Daniel Marshall

The Daniel Marshall Cigar

To taste a Daniel Marshall Cigar is to discover the unique spirit and style of one of the outstanding cigars from the world’s premier tobacco regions.

Each Daniel Marshall is made only in exceptional harvest years from three noble tobacco varieties. The tobacco is chosen from the very best plantations of the different regions that own the choicest tobacco that possess the virtue of being able to continue to live and mature.

When tasting a Daniel Marshall, an initial subtle blend of acacia honey and caramel impression gives way to aromas of grilled cashews with hints of cafe au lait, culminating in not es of rich cocoa and brioche. On the palate the cigar is round and complete with a long finish.

In order to assure each cigar meets the strict requirements set forth by Daniel Marshall and to be worthy of maintaining DM’s reputation for consistency, style and quality, once imported, we are one of very few cigar manufacturers in the United States that methodically hand-check each and every cigar.

First we grade for quality, discarding any rejects, then our experienced selectors perform the tedious color-shading task. We then check the cigar for firmness and consistency in order to ensure each cigar will have that effortless DM draw, before being delicately packed in our specially designed Spanish Cedar Cabinets.
Each box of Daniel Marshall Cigars will not be released from our climate controlled maturing rooms until a minimum of one year has passed. This essential maturing time ensures each DM Cigar passed. This essential maturing time ensures each DM Cigar its smooth, unique, and distinguished character.

Top quality tobaccos and the maturation process creates the magic that assists the Daniel Marshall Cigar to become more than just a cigar. The cigar gains, with time, a supplementary bouquet, a deeper resonance- what lovers of vintage wines call “body”.

Daniel Marshall believes that this important “maturing period” begins the date the cigars are imported and come under his direct control, rather than the date the tobacco leaves are harvested.

Each Box-Aged Cabinet of Daniel Marshall Cigars is released when ready for enjoyment. However the cigars will continue to mature in its cabinet or loose in your humidor if correctly stored.

These cigars are best kept alive, sheltered in a Daniel Marshall Humidor where assurance of proper ambiance is guaranteed.

Since 1982, Daniel Marshall has created an extensive collection of humidors from our travel size to large tabletop models created in precious woods and hand lacquered finishes with natural Spanish Cedar interiors. Each DM humidor is crafted and warranted Cedar interiors. Each DM humidor is crafted and warranted to last for countless years to come, and remains one of the most sought after humidors in the world, receiving the No. 1 Humidor in the World Rating by Cigar Aficionado Magazine.

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